Why are there multiple tire options?

Some vehicles come from the factory with different tire size options – we’ve pre-selected the most common size. Please check to ensure a proper fit for your car or truck.

How do I find the correct tire size?

Check the sticker on the inside of your driver’s side door or the sidewalls of your current tires. You can also refer to your vehicle's user manual or contact us for help.

What is Staggered Fitment?

Staggered wheel fitment means the rear tires are bigger and/or wider than the front. Multi-wheel fitment means all four tires are of equal size.

How do I find the correct tire size?

Check the sticker on the inside of your driver's side door or the sidewalls of your current tires. You can also refer to your vehicle's user manual or contact us for help.

You can change your tire size within the filters area

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